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Research on Chinese Literacy Development (References)

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World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages
Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA-US)
Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS)


The Components of Chinese Literacy


Lower-level literacy skills

  • Recognize the spatial organization of characters (上下,左右, etc.)
  • Recognize the components of characters ( the 部件 bùjiàn), including radicals, phonetic elements, and other recurring components.
  • Recognize word boundaries and use the principles of word formation in Mandarin to identify and form new words.
  • Develop morphological and syntactic awareness, the ability to Identify phrases within a sentence and their contribution to sentence meaning.

Higher-level literacy skills

  • Identify text cohesion devices such as conjunctions, sentence adverbs, and anaphora, to make inferences about the connection of events and the role and identity of actors.
  • Identify and incorporate background knowledge and cultural assumptions that contribute to the meaning of the text.
  • Summarize the main ideas of a text.
  • Make predictions based on the text, its title, and any accompanying illustrations.
  • Make evaluative judgements based on the text about author perspective, the purpose of the text, and intended audience.